Maz is an artist and maker that takes inspiration from the built environment.

Maz has worked as an architectural modelmaker for over 10 years, now working for Stanton Williams. Alongside modelmaking they create artwork and take on commissions.

They use their experience and craft skills gained from this to explore architectural details, patterns and landscapes. Maz sees their job working in architecture and their art practice as interconnected as they can both inspire each other. As with architectural models Maz's art work will have some aspect be 3D with the use of mixed materials creating something tactile. The main material used in their artworks is timber. Through using natural materials that have colour variance and pattern within them, the art can represent and celebrate how buildings age and change over time. They are particularly interested in the textural and historic juxtapositions of buildings found around London.

Maz aims to use their art and making to bring about positive change, either by selling some artworks to fundraise or by supporting artists that are raising awareness. They have now had 2 artworks auctioned for humanitarian architecture charity Article 25. Maz has volunteered for the organisation World Citizen Artists by creating the awards for their art competition with the theme of peace.  

Maz has recently become an ArtCan artist. For more info on ArtCan visit;